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Final Drawing Series. Second Semester.


          For my final drawing series I was challenged with the theme of defining parameters. I choose  one 

parameter to  begin my  series of drawings.  The drawings due would have to be from something that is directly observable. 

Other limitations on the series coul be implicated by me.  The “nature” of your drawings would be  determined 

by my specific relationship to the limiting factors that I had place upon my process. Some 

drawings would be small and some would be large. Some would be fast and some would take a long time to make.


          In essence, my parameters of the series of constraints would create interesting questions. These 

questions would lead me to a new and surprising visual form. The series would be based around the best drawings that are 

the product of clear and interesting limitations, without a preconceived conclusion; a series of 

questions rather than answers. So instead of saying “I want my drawing to look like this.” I

might ask: “What happens if I shift my process in relation to my focus?” This is an experimental 



         This series is really about a visual search within the limits that you set for yourself. Your chosen 

parameters could determine that you will be drawing from something that is found or built (like 

your Pile models). They might direct you to a singular object that opens up to a vast universe, or a site that has multiple surfaces and spaces within it . It could be a series of portraits under a certain set of conditions, or 

a type of element in the landscape drawn with a specific media focus. 


The intial parameters of my series was defining gravity through a monotype printing process used on the letterpress. 



Week 1


Gravity page
Week 2


Week 3


Week 4

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